Youths from St Mary's in their tent |
PP Caroline helping with the tent |
Bottom right:OC President Feliz presenting the appreciation bannerette to PDG Tan Soh Har |
Opening and closing of the Youth Camp by DG Chieng Eu Hea |
DG delivering his opening speech / DG showing the way to build the bbq fire with President Jui Loon / DG and DC Leo with the Leos from Miri at the closing of the camp |
88 youths including Leos and about 30 Lions participated in the 3 days 2 nights X-plore camp at Pusat Kokurikulum Negeri, Sanbubong. DG Chieng Eu Hea officiated at the opening and closing ceremony. The members from Kuching City who attended were President Jessie, Secretary Irene , IPP Vincent, PP Ivy, PP Caroline, 1st VP Andrew Tsen, Z2C Sheila Kho and PDG Tan Soh Har who sponsored the shirts for the participants.
Many youth came expecting a resort with swimming pool but instead ended up pitching up tents and sleeping in the jungle, underneath mangosteen trees. Nevertheless, they had a fun and activities packed three days. New friendships were made, leaders were discovered and creativity enhanced. The youths were divided into eight teams and they showed their admirable team spirit during their activities especially the obstacles courses in the jungle. Boys instantly turned into impressive young men who helped the helpless damsels through the difficult courses, all in commendable team spirit.
The Lions on the other hand were also divided into groups to patrol the camp during the night. It was an experience in itself for having to wade through the rain water with a torchlight to inspect each tent and make sure that everything was alright. One could not imagine walking in the jungle commonly in the middle of the night, diligently checking the site but these group of Lions did.
As the youths appetite increased, food supplied by the caterer at the camp ran out during meal times. Without any hesitation, some Lions like DC Peter Ong, 1st VP Andrew Tsen, President Andrew Gan, President Lee Poh Whatt,DC Judy Kho, ZC Lai Chau Liong and Lion Gladys showed their utmost Lions spirit by bringing food from Kuching and nearby eateries for those starving Lions and Leo.
At the close of the camp, the youths shared their experience and voted the X plore camp as one of the best they have ever attended. Not only the youth came away with good spirit, the Lions also felt the priceless and heartwarming feeling of working harmoniously together, all for a common objective.
"To be a successful team, one do not go measuring each other's contribution but instead should cheered each other on. We are all like parts of a bicycle. No one part is more important than the other. But we need to all work together to make the bicycle ride smoothly. This is the spirit of Region 1 Lions Clubs. - ZC Sheila Kho"