Merdeka cake donated by PP Alex Low |
Fun in action! |
1st prize of the colour contest |
Cutting of the Merdeka cake by L-R: OC PP Sheila Adenan, OC Leo Melissa Philips, Leo President, Lion President Irene Tan, Representative from the school and PP Alex Low |
Judging in progress by Secretary Jane Ling, President Irene Tan and PP Alex Low |
Preparing tuna buns for the children |
Jointly organised with SMK St Teresa Leo club, the deaf children at the school had an enjoyable afternoon of fun. Thirty four Leos with two faculty advisors turned up in strong force to organise various games , and colouring contest for them while the Lions prepared the food. Fourteen Lions members and President Cecil from Lions Club of Allamanda came to support the event.
PP Alex Low donated the Merdeka cake and KFC, PP Jessie Ho donated a set of national and state flags, Lion Alice Kon donated jellies, OC PP Sheila Adenan donated a doll for the first prize colouring contest and trees for the garden, PP Sheila Kho donated stationaries for 1st-3rd prizes colouring contest, PP Dora Lam donated sweets, President Irene Tan, PP Vincent Tan and Lion Kristie Lok donated drinks.
The members who came and support the project were President Irene Tan, Secretary Jane Ling, Treasurer Caroline Sim, Membership Chairperson Jessie Ho, PP Annie Ho, PP Dora Lam, PP Ivy Fong, OC PP Sheila Adenan, PP Alex Low, Lion Kristie Lok, Lion Helena Lim, Lion Alice Kon, PP Teresa Wu and PP Sheila Kho.