Queue such as this starts forming as early as 7.30 am for the various health screening |
Kuching City ladies were in charged of registration for dental services |
Leos assisting in the reading glasses section |
Queue for health screeming |
Blood donors |
Dental care in progress |
"Lead by Example" - DG Chieng Eu Hea doing his bit for the community by donating blood |
President Chong Nam Fah keeping a close eye on the students as they take their deworming tablets |
Students registering for deworming tablets |
PP Cecil giving out the deworming tablet |
Pap Smear and breast examination |
DG Chieng digging the hole to plant the tree |
Some of the participants |
DG leading the Presidents to release the fish fries into the clear cool stream |
Bamboo shoots |
Snails called "chut chut" |
Ayam pansor (chicken in bamboo) |
Nasi pansor (rice in bamboo ) |
Coconut "sim |
Padi birds |
All the twelve clubs in Region 1 ( Zone 1,2,3) participated in the Region 1 Rural Service Project at SK St Jude, Kpg Bunan Gaga. Dental service, deworming tablets,BMI, blood pressure and diabetes screening, donation of reading glasses, pap smear and breast examination, donation of a computer set with a printer,radio and DVD player, donation of school stationaries, flower pots and a 50 kg bag of fertilizer were carried out during the project. More than 1,000 participants came for the service project which ended around 1pm. District Governor Chieng Eu Hea was the Guest of Honour. This project involved 18 villages in and around the area. The project ended with a feast of local delicacies cooked by the local Bidayuh community. President Jessie Ho, PP Annie Ho, PP Teresa Wu, PP Caroline Sim and ZC Sheila Kho attended the project.