Welcome supper at midnight with members from LC of Penang Host and PCC Jeffery Quah

Har Mee, Buah Kolong drink and surprisingly tender chicken, despite the pale colour...

Fellowship lunch at a Tim Sum place...somewhere in Penang

All the Nyonya dressed up and ready for the anniversary dinner

Pinang Peranakan Mansion, depicting the typical home of a rich Baba of more than
a century ago. Beautiful mansion with eclectic design and architecture. Lions Club of Penang Host celebrated their 46th anniversary in this beautiful mansion on the 30th Oct 09

These Nyonya playing "chua pie" except none could understand the design on the cards..

Sight First Project at Convent Datuk Kramat
A welcome school band in the compound before the start of the function.

With sister club members, IPP Loo, 1st VP Dunstin, Lion Ong Nee and Lion Jimmy

Sight First screening corner

OC Lion James Ooi adjusting one of recipient's spectacles

President Caroline Sim presenting the club's donation of RM1150.00 to President Simon Kheng of LC of Penang Host for their Sight First Project

Official launching of the Sight First corner by ID Ellis Suriyati

A Chinese classical group of musician to start off the launching of the
MD Lions H1N1 awareness campaign by CC Simon Koh

Launching of the MD Lions H1N1 Awareness campaign by
Guest of Honour CC Simon Koh

Fellowship night with sister clubs of LC of Penang Host at a Chinese Restuarant. It was very festive, non stop flow of drinks, songs , laughter and good fellowship!

Bak Kut Teh Lunch before departure for home at Parma Bak Kut Teh

A group photo of all the sister clubs from Hong Kong, Taiwan,Medan and Kuching with members of LC of Penang Host before every one departed for home.