10 members came in full force to participate in the last activity for the fiscal year. PP Juriah's popular nasi lemak, masak merah,masak hitam,masak rendang was a hit amongst the ticketholders. From the point of touch down, people were queuing up for the food!The stall raised RM1,354.00.
A big "Thank You" to PP Juriah Sulehan, PP Ivy Fong, PP Dora Lam , PP Teresa Wu,PP Sheila Adenan, PP Annie Ho, PP Sheila Kho, Lion Alice Kon,Lion Kristie Lok and Incoming President Vincent Tan for your selfless efforts towards this worthy cause. Big Hands go to all the Past Presidents of the club for showing your continuous leadership and dedication. You are a GREAT EXAMPLE to our newer members.
It has been a great year for Lions Club of Kuching City. It is a result of teamwork, dedication and good fellowship.As always, TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE!