Sunday, November 23, 2008
Past Presidents' History
FY 1989/1990 PP Ivy Fong MJF -Joint Champion Club
FY 1990/1991 PP Alice Goh (resigned) -Outstanding Club
FY 1991/1992 PP Dora Lam MJF -Top Performance Club
FY 1992/1993 PP Sheila Adenan MJF/DT/DC -Meritorious Perfm. Club
FY 1993/1994 Late PP Teresa Sim MJF -Premier Club
FY 1994/1995 PP Hjh Salmah Ibrahim MJF (resigned) -Excellent Club
FY 1995/1996 PP Winnie Ong (resigned) -Home Club
FY 1996/1997 PP Tan Soh Har MJF/DF/DT/PDG -Excellent Club
FY 1997/1998 PP ChengYi MJF -Excellent Club
FY 1998/1999 PP Annie Ho DF/MJF -Excellent Club
FY 1999/2000 PP Mary Kong DF/MJF/DC -Excellent Club
FY 2000/2001 PP Daisy Kon MJF /ZC -Excellent Club
FY 2001/2002 PP Sheila Kho DF/MJF/DT/DC -Excellent Club
FY 2002/2003 PP Annie Ho DF/MJF -Excellent Club
FY 2003/2004 PP Teresa Wu MJF -Excellent Club
FY 2004/2005 PP Juriah Sulehan MJF -Home Club
FY 2005/2007 PP Judy Kho MJF / DT/DC -Excellent Club/Merit Club
FY 2007/2008 PP Annie Ho DF/MJF -Excellent Club
FY 2008/2009 PP Alex Low MJF - Excellent Club
FY 2009/2010 IPP Caroline Sim - Excellent Club
FT 2010/2011 President Kelly Lim - Excellent Club
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lions Nursing Home Sales 9th Nov 08
DG Sim Boon Chuan, club Presidents and cabinet officers
Good effort!
Keep it up!
This stall is sponsored by PDG Tan Soh Har
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Joint donation of car wash equipments to Sarawak Society for the Deaf 8th No 08 -Region 1 & 2
Terence Ee as a translator to the deaf members
Joint Pre Xmas party for SK Pendidikan Khas, Kota Samarahan 8th Nov 08
Lions Club of Kuching City had been coming back to this school every year to celebrate various ocassions with these special children. Over the years we have celebrated Mid Autumn festivals, buka puasa with them and this year we gave them an early Christmas party as it is near to the end of the school term. For the last few years, KFC had graciously donated food and drinks towards the party and likewise this year they did the same. We are really grateful to them for their ever willing contribution towards making these children happy.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Being Free from Conflict
As it takes two hands to clap, so it takes two to have conflict. Therefore, finally, I must accept that I am at least partly responsible for the conflict, whether intentionally, or otherwise. Introspection is required to check in which way I can change or adjust. Secondly, the fire of conflict is most easily put out with the coolness of love and respect. Respect means to remain focused on the good qualities of others. Thirdly we should never become trapped in negative emotions such as anger or depression. To speck or act based on such negative emotions is to consolidate these feelings and worsen the conflict. Again, it is astonishing to see how conflict arises because of lack of communication. Clear, honest and non-confrontational communication ahead of time resolves issues before they become issues. Relationship is a big problem today. Where ever there are judgements, expectations or suspicions’, wherever there is a hint of inferiority or superiority, relationships suffer. The conflict drags on. Let me develop that humility to take the first step towards peace. Reform the attitudes which prevent me from making peace.
Thought for reflection:
We cannot direct the wind but we definitely can adjust the sails.
By Bridget Menezes
"Love in a box" project 5th November 2008