Tuesday, January 19, 2021

In Loving Memory of PP Ivy Fong, departed on 18.1.2019

 "As long as we never forget you, you'll never truly leave us"

You are greatly missed today and every day.

Rest in eternal peace, Ivy. 

Leo Club of St Teresa's International Leo Day projects 19.12.2020

Leo Advisor PP Sheila Adenan handing over the gifts to Salavation Army Children Home

To commemorate International Leo Day, gifts for 22 Female and 19  male residents of Lions Nursing Home. Pp Alice Kon donated RM200 towards this project. Leo Advisor PP Sheila Adenan handed over the gifts on behalf of the Leo club

Appreciation gifts for PP Caroline Sim


Zone 1 Weather-impact Disaster project for Flood relief 14.1.2021

President Roger donated a wheelchair and 5 sets of uniform to two families

President Roger donated 2 mattresses and 2 pillows for the elderly couple who is living in this dilapidated hut.


Donation of Diabetes test strips 9.1.2021


President Roger Ting representing PP Sheila Kho to present the year supply of Diabetes test strips to the recipient.

A Joint Project - Leo Club of St Joseph and McDonalds, Tabuan Jaya at Peryatim 19.12.2020


Lion Chung Fui Lin sponsored the birthday cake for 14 children born in December

McDonald's Happy meals sponsored by President 
Roger Ting

68 workbooks (Eng, Maths and Science) for year 2 to year 6... Donated by Pelangi Publishing Group

PERYATIM is an NGO for orphans... 103 of them aged 8 to 19 years old

Christmas Party at Peryatim: A Joint Project - Leo Club of St. Joseph's Private School and McDonald's Tabuan Jaya.

Report by PP Jane Ling

Annual GROWTH project 13.12.2020

Lions Club of Kuching City brought cheer to 30 members of GROWTH (Grow with the Handicapped). Each of them received RM100 angpow donated by PDG Tan Soh Har.

Report by PP Jane Ling

Christmas project for Salvation Army Children Home 13.12.2020

Personalized mugs for all the 51 children

2 violin bows and 2 boxes of rosin donated by PP Annie Ho and PP Alex Low

Happy faces!

PP Sheila Kho, project head handing over the gifts

Handling over Violin bow and boxes by Dr. 

Pek Lin Chong

Christmas is truly the season of giving. Not only giving gifts but giving back to the less fortunate community.

Lions Club of Kuching City
brought cheer to 51 kids of The Salvation Army Children's Home at Jalan Uplands.

Report by PP Jane Ling

Peace Poster Competition 2020

 Peace Poster 2020

Two of our 3 entries from LC Kuching City had won prizes at District level.
👉3rd place :
SM Lodge International (consolation at Region 1)
👉Consolation: SJK Chung Hua Pangkalan Baru ( also Consolation at Region 1)

Report by PP Jane Ling

Zone 1 donation of PPE garments to Tawau Health Department 21.10.2020


Zone 1 Lions Clubs from Region 1 responded to an appeal for emergency aid by Tanoti Humanitarian Relieve Fund Initiative to deploy PPE garments to Tawau Health Department due to the alarming out-break of COVID-19 in Sabah.
President Jessie Voon of Lions Club Kuching North, the Organising Chairperson together with President Roger Ting of Lions Club of Kuching City, President Timothy Liew of Lions Club of Kota Samarahan, President Jason Lau of Lions Club of Kuching Emerald and President Connie Tan of Lions Club of Kuching Allamanda helped raised RM3000.00 within 24 hours. The contributions were from Zone 1 Lions clubs and their generous members.
The cheque was handed over to the representative of Tanoti by Zone 1 Chairperson Mary Lu, witnessed by District 308-A2 District Governor Roland Chieng.

Report by PP Jane Ling

Monday, October 26, 2020

GoBald for Sarawak Children Cancer Society 18th October 2020

Ms Genevieve Tan from SCCS with the three Presidents and OC PP Jane Ling


President Roger Ting led the two Leo Presidents to GoBald for a worthy cause. Together they raised RM29,878.00. Leo President Oscar Koh is from SM Lodge Leo Club and Leo President Xavier Liao Zhe is from St Joseph Private School Leo Club.

 Well done! Leadership by example, Presidents!